Wednesday, March 31, 2010


koon chorp pom reu blao?
(Do you like me?)

ben faen pom dai mai?
(Can you be my girlfriend?)

pom ruk koon.
(I love you.)

bai doo nung gup pom mai?
Do you want to go to watch a movie?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Busy 18 MarCh 2010

12-3am : EnJoy in MoiS...
3-5am : Drink/Chat/SuPPer...
5.30-7.30am : SLEEP LA...
8.00-11.00am : PlaY BAdminTon Lo...
11.00-11.30am : BreaKfasT ..Hehe
11.30-1.30pm : SLEEP again LO...
2.00pm-3.00pm : LunCh Liao La....
3.15-4-45pm : WatCH "YUE GUANG BAO HE"...
5.30-6.30pm : BowLInG ...
7.00-7.30opm : DiNNer ad Lo...
7.30-10.00pm : ChemistRy TuiTion....
The End....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


InvoLve In Romance incident:

A:I tooK a FalSe Step That EveRY Man will Do...
The Greatest misTakE was staYing in SaME HoTeL ,SamE Room...
It Is waS Serious Misjudgement,Thus I will bE Fully reSponsibLe for It...
D:This is no cat That does not eat FisH...

Friday, January 1, 2010

1sT DaY iN YeaR 2010

CounTED doWn whiLe ShAkiNg Body AnD DanCing in MoiS,PenAnG....
ThaNks To SonG You,JasOn,Kok ChanG aND Kok HonG...
It waS My 1St EnTranCe inTo SucH CluB...
aLthOuGh It wAs exHauSTInG,
JoY was Written Over eDDie's faCe
Due To UnIntenTioNaLLy BoDy ConTacT wiTh WomEn...
(SOmEtimes werE Men)
In aDDiTioN,hiS eYes Too enJoyeD A Lot...

I waS woNderIng
The GirLs TheRe aRe tOO PooR To buy LongEr SkiRt???
Or The Prices oF FabRics in SP aRe too Low???
It Did inFluenCe me To decide tO StuDY in PenaNg...

WheN i was In CraZy SitUaTion,
SuDDenLy,a HanDToucHed My ShouldEr...
But,I Din CaRe aBout It beCaUse It is sOmeThing NormaL There...
AnoTher HanD TouCh My ChesT....
I tuRneD aROunD anD TOok A Look...
It belonged tO a GirL...
SHe LookEd at me,
And I PretenD NothIng had happened...
I wondered That She Could be
My COuSin???
My FrienD's GF???

LessOn LeaRnT:
ThEre Is A Lot oF FloweR and PlanTs in This WOrLd...
Do Not evEr GivE Up a WhoLE JunGle Just BecaUSe of a Tree...
I saW NumeROus Of FloRa There...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

FoRgeTTaBLe 2009

StaYeD In KePoNg
FoR aLmoSt a MonTh...
LiveD With DiFferenT TiMe ZOne...
-WoKe Up at 2/3 pm...
-Slept at 3/4 am....

SHoPPinG In KL ComPlexes...
Mid VaLLey,One U,TimeS Square....
A Jean whicH costs Rm 270
A Long Pants whiCh Costs Rm110
Shirts which Cost RM60 and rm 99..
Some Short Pants...
Plus A Pair of Shoes Rm 399...
Those ThinGs ReaLLy Me SAd And HappY..
Sad Bcoz it Made a Hole in Pocket...
HappY Bcoz it TurNed Me inTo New Look...

BirThdAY PreSent
ThrOugh POS LAJu from HER...
It Was ShoCKing But ToucHing...
A GreeN waLLet...
My Favourite CoLour...

AttEnD JPA inTerView
ReacHed At 1PM,
My tuRn was started aT 6pm...
EveN Kim minG ,weI keaT & Song YoU took tHeir MeaL In YoShiYa anD WenT to Home,
I sTiLL wAS Not AsKed tO SteP IntO The RooM...

PeNanG BridGe Run
AlThouGh It wAs My 2nD ParticiPatiON,
I Did Feel ScareD...
ThoUgh It CauSed My Quadriceps FemoRis MuscLe
To be PainFul,
I Did Feel SuccessfuL To ComPlete The Run...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

KMY PresTiGiOus SeConDarY ScHooL

FoR ThoSe Who Is wOndErIng WHat ThAt Is,
It wAs,
It Is,
It wiLL bE,
The Top aND PresTiGiOus SeConDarY ScHooL in KuaLa MuDA Yan...
(The IntaKe Is VeRy ComPetiTive aND DePenDs on StUdeNt's ResulT...
NumEroUS StUDentS trY to AppLy TO enTer ThiS scHooL aFteR GeTTIng TheIR PMR reSult...)

TheRe Is No DouBt ThIs FaCtORY HaS PrOdUcEd a Lot oF AcaDeMicaLLy exCeLLent StUdents wiTh a String Of 1A aNd FaNTasTic SpoRtSmaN...

SMK XXX iS ClaSsiFieD As'SicK'
RooF oF DiSICpliNe oF ThiS 'ReSPecTeD' ScHooL Has CoLLaPseD...
The ScHooL AdMinsTraTorS HaVe FAiLeD tO ExECutE TheIr ResPonSIBiLiTy DiLiGenTLy...

SoME oF The StUDenTs PoSeSS ArrOGant anD ImPuDent BeHaVioUR...
(EsPeCiaLLy BatCh SPM 2008...)
ThEy Do NoT ReSpECt OtHer PeoPle....
(They EveN Do Not The WorD 'ReSpEct'...)

An ExamPLe:
TheSe StUdeNts aTtent their BIOLOGY tuiTion ClasS
whiCh ConDuCTeD by a MaLay TeaCheR...
SOme Of TheM weRe DarE eNouGh To Eat Dim SUm anD ChineSe Buns ThEre...
One or Two Of TheM eVen Ate the Food Made From PorK obViousLy
But Not SiLentLy...
WAs thaT A TuITiOn ClaSS oR a PaRty???

So,iS thIs InclUded As aChieVeMent Of ThiS ReNowneD scHooL???
MaybE They WouLd be DoctoR NexT Time,
But A PhySicIan whO SeLLs Drugs to PaTienT...

TheY aRe InteLLiGenT EnouGH to Be TeRRoRiST iN ThE FuTuRe...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


LoVe = SToRM
ClouD Won't LeaVE Any TraCe whEn PassIng THroUgh the MisT
(LoVe Does Not LeaVe aNy VisiBle ScAr whEn It Is GonE)...
WinD is UnStoPPaBle anD aBle To SwIng AwaY ThinGs
( Love CannoT be BloCked anD ABle to TakE awaY One's SouL anD LiFe)

EveRy GirL WhOM I adMiRe aLwAYs HaVe BoY FrienD aD...
WHy NoNe Of TheM Is SinGLe AnD AvaILabLe????

I wiLL CHaSe You Down UnTiL You LovE Me...
I woN'T StoP unTiL The GirL iS MiNe..

I JusT wAnT To Be YouR SweeTHeaRt...
I JusT waNt To Be yOuR PaRaMouR...
I JusT waNT to Be YouR SouLmaTe...
I JusT waNT to Be YouR PaRtNer In LIfe...
I JusT wAnT To AccOmPaNy You...